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One Pride.

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One Pride. Welcome to the Canton Lions.

Code of Conduct

Every Canton Lions Junior Football and Cheer athlete's parent or guardian has read and accepted the Canton Lions Parent’s Code of Conduct Contract during the registration process. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to also share the following code of conduct expectations with any other friends and family members who may also attend Canton Lions games and events, as all are expected to adhere to the policy. 

Thank you for helping to maintain a positive environment for all to enjoy!

I/we Acknowledge that I/we have read the following Canton Lions Parent’s Code of Conduct Contract, will share it with other friends and family members who may also be spectators, and will adhere to it. I understand that violating the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action by the Canton Lions Board of Directors. This may included but is not limited to restrictions placed on my access to the practice field, expulsion from games, and suspension or termination of my child’s participation in the Canton Lions Youth Football and Cheerleading Programs without the refund of any fees.

The Canton Lions Junior Football and Cheerleading Club is a volunteer-driven, nonprofit organization whose mission is to help the youth of the Plymouth-Canton community develop the knowledge of and skills for youth football and cheerleading. We strive to teach and model the values of sportsmanship, teamwork and fair play to each participant and offer a positive, life-building experience in a safe and healthy environment. In addition, WE WILL HAVE FUN!

I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care and encouragement for my child participating in the Canton Lions Youth Football and Cheerleading Programs by supporting and following this code of conduct:

I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all participants, (football players and cheerleaders), Coaches, Board Members, League Officials, Game officials, etc., at every practice, game and at any other Canton Lion activity or event sponsored by the Michigan Youth Football & Cheer Conference (MYFCC).

I will place the emotional and physical well being of my child ahead of any personal desire to win and I will applaud good effort in victory and defeat and emphasize the positive points of the game.

I will support the MYFCC rules, the Canton Lions rules and the coaches team rules.

I will emphasize the benefit of skill development and practices and how this will benefit my child’s game/performance.

I will make every effort to have my child at every practice and game on time and have them fully prepared with the required uniform and equipment.

I will make every effort to be on time to pick up my child at the end of practice.

I will remember that the game is for the participants and not for the adults.

I will ask my child to treat other participants, coaches, board members, officials, and fans with respect.

I understand that the Canton Lions is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization, and I will support the Canton Lions organization by cheerfully volunteering with concessions, fundraising, “chain gang,” or at least four of the many activities, jobs, or committees that fit with my talents.

I will be courteous to the participants, coaches and fans of the opposing teams.

I will respect the Plymouth-Canton School District properties that we use for practices and games and will follow the rules that they and the State of Michigan set forth for field usage. This includes the state law that prohibits smoking on any public school property.

I will never embarrass my child or the Canton Lions organization by verbally abusing/insulting participants, coaches, board members, other parents or officials.

Also, I understand that the stands are not the place to shout personal instruction.

If something occurs with which I disagree, I will calmly seek an appropriate solution, at the appropriate time. I understand that instigating or participating in a confrontation in front of any child is never appropriate and will not be allowed.

I will never lose sight of the fact that I am a role model. I understand that children imitate their role models and by acting appropriately I will be modeling what I expect of my child.


Canton Lions Junior Football and Cheerleading
PO Box 871486 
Canton, Michigan 48187

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